Monday, September 21, 2009

I Was Walking Through the Jungle and I Saw a...

I just have to show off some of the artwork by my youngest daughter Lizzie Kate. This is a piece entitled, "I Was Walking Through the Jungle and I saw a..."

Lizzie Kate's teacher walked me through the piece. On the top row you will see the following animals...a Giraffe, an Elephant, a Panda Bear, and an Alligator. Then a little lower on the page you will see an Owl, a Butterfly, a Panda Bear, a Lion, and a Monkey. But, the last animal drawn is the one I find the most interesting...a Dead Duck! The "Dead Duck" is the animal in blue, at the bottom-middle of the page.

Lizzie Kate's teacher asked her what each animal was, where she could label it on her paper. They got to the last animal. Lizzie Kate was asked what kind of animal is this? Lizzie Kate said it was a Dead Duck. Her teacher wanted to know why she drew a dead duck? Lizzie Kate said, "Duh, the alligator ate it!"

Makes sense to me.

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