Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This weekend was different for me. First of all, I left my phone charger at work. We do not have a home phone, only cell phones. So, basically I was without a phone for two days after my phone ran out of juice. The Internet on my computer was also acting up all weekend. So, that form of communication was of no use to me. I guess I should have broke out the 'ol quill pen and oil lamps. Oops, no stamps. Oh well!

It made me think how we have come so accustomed to having our cell phones, our computers, and yes even our Facebook. We are all in our own little world as we hit the keys on our keyboards. Being without these things, I took notice of how many people have their head glued to their cell phones. Amazing! It is almost comical watching people. It seems like we are texting, calling, or in Facebook all the time. I will be honest, I was having withdrawals and almost bought me another phone charger. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

You ought to try living without these things sometime. Take a weekend like I did. See how it works for you. I am betting you will almost have to check into rehab!

Well, the problem is solved. I returned to work, the phone is fully charged, and I am back into the rat race! I am no longer unplugged!


The Brinkley Bunch said...

My phone died one morning while I was on the way home from a conference. I couldn't hardly stand it!!! I would've bought the new charger had I been in your shoes!

g-lowe said...

Phones and computers are good and bad. Good in that they allow us to communicate with more people and bad in that they usually keeps us from communicating with the people closest to us as well. Quantity over quality. I don't know if that is ever good.