Friday, January 30, 2009

Talking while you (try to) sleep...

The other night I finally got the "Caker" to agree to go to bed. But, I had to lay down with her in her bed. "Caker" can outlast anyone I promise you. So, before you go to sleep, you have to indulge in a little conversation with her.

As we got into bed and put the covers over us, "Caker" starts out with, "Let's talk about puppies. And we did just that...we talked about puppies. We talked about puppies, pandas, giraffes, monkeys, and even elephants. I am sure I am leaving out other forms of animal life. I tell you, I thought I was in an episode of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." She kept mentioning animals and making their sounds.

Well, we finally went to sleep. You know what? Looking back at it, I am glad I had that time with her. Looking back at it I can smile.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Ice Storm Fun Indoors...

If you are like our family during this current ice storm, you are looking for things to do indoors. Let's face is cold outside.

So, when we were not outside riding the 4-wheeler, we tried to be creative in our activities inside. Morgan wanted me to make sure I put a picture of her on my blog during one of our creative sessions inside. Here, you will see Morgan living up to one of her nicknames I have given her - Turtle! With a clothes basket, and a small framed body, you too can pretend to be a turtle.

The girls have been busy today playing hide-n-seek, and Wii with Taran Brock. She came up and played with the girls today. We do not care if she comes over to play with the girls. We just request one thing from her on her visit. She has to bring more cookies from Missy Brock on every visit. Just kidding...well, maybe.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Lizzie Kate and Zack. One funny comedy team...

Lizzie Kate just told me that Zack ate her tissue. "Zack ate my tissue, but he told me he was sorry. But, he can't talk."

There is some logic to what she said, and I am sure I will figure it out after it all sinks in I am sure. And if I hear Zack talk, I will have to look into my mental health benefits.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Winter Storm...

As I sit here at 10:48 p.m., thankfully we still have power. I do not know why, but weather fascinates me. I am the type that likes to look outside while the storm is passing through. I know I drive Kelley crazy during storms, especially during tornado season.

Earlier I walked outside to check the roads. They do not seem too bad right now. While outside, the lights blinked here, and I thought I heard a transformer blow Northeast of town. But, who am I, OG&E?

As I type, I am keeping an eye on one of my trees bending over with ice from my "command center", which is pictured above. Ok, I am probably stretching it a little bit with my "command center", but it does sound professional. I know a lot of people are wanting off from school tomorrow, but I also hope there is a limited amount of damage done from this ice event we are having tonight.

Also, a special shout out to Mike Francis for helping me with my gas logs. I am also glad to report that Nelson, Missy, Seth, and Taran got their gas logs to fire up as well.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tale of Two Tables...

Last night Kelley and I went out and ate. We went to promising, up and coming Italian restaurant. Besides their good food, one of their drawing cards is their bread and dipping oil. Well, for probably the third time, they told us they were out of oil. We were promised if they had more made that they would bring some to our table. It never came. But, one table over...the story was not the same.

A family of four came in, the same waiter served them bread, and gave them the same story of no oil for dipping. The man said to the waiter, "This is the third time in a row we have come and you guys have been out." The waiter said, "I will see what I can do." Well, he comes out with the oil for dipping. Later, he comes out with more bread and another bowl of dipping oil. When their food came out, two waiters served them. The waiters did pretty much everything except wipe their mouth with a napkin. I told Kelley, "Who are these people?" For our oil, no extra bread, We never were even asked if we wanted more bread.

But, anyway...I had a good time alone with Kelley...but bad service. I was perplexed by the difference in service, thus the tale of two tables.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Why do we cease to pray?

The Bible says in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to "Pray without ceasing." How many of us tend to pray more when there is an emergency? How many of us are reminded by our kids that we forgot to pray before we ate? That one hits you in the heart.

In the past two weeks, I have heard of children being diagnosed with lymphoma, leukemia, and having tumors spotted within their body. I cannot imagine getting this news. I pray for them and I know many of you have as well.

We need to pray for our families...our children...our friends. Pray for God's protection and good health for everyone. And do not forget those that are sick...lift them up. Pray for God's healing touch! Pray that He get the glory by healing those that are sick. Pray for a mighty miracle that only God can do!

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

"I want to be President"

A few days ago Morgan said to me, "I want to be President when I grow up." Don't laugh, we have had and will have worse choices to choose from in the future. After hearing what my daughter's future plans were, I told her that being the President was a really hard job. Morgan wanted to know why it was such a hard job? I said, "Because, as President you have many choices to make. And no matter what you decide, you will make someone mad." Morgan then said, "Well, I want to be President because I would like to stay in the White House!"

With that attitude, I would be a proud father if my daughter became the first female President of the United States! I am already proud - of both of my daughters.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Exploring New Worlds...

Lately I have been trying not to be confused for Christopher Columbus. But, since my brother has let me keep his 4-wheeler at my house, I have been doing some exploring. To borrow a phrase from Star Trek, my mission has been to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before...uh uh...sorry, I got a little carried away there for a minute.

Yesterday Mike Francis, the "Conman", and I went through some trails we have never been on before. I am so new to 4-wheeling that just about any trail I go on is new to me. But, we had a blast. Those machines are awesome and can do some things that will simply amaze you. It is amazing where you can take those machines and what you can get them to do. My brother's 4-wheeler is a Suzuki Eiger. On our journey we saw three deer running...all doe. It was amazing going into their habitat.

I can see how my brother broke his ankle while 4-wheeling. You gotta keep those feet down where they belong. Do not stretch out that leg which I know is an impulse. I know you get better the more you ride. A bunch of us are planning future 4-wheeling events. I am looking forward to them.

So, there you have it...another first for me. That is the most extensive time I have ever rode a 4-wheeler. Is there anything I cannot do!? Ooops, I forgot the Life Group lesson we had on boasting. Later!

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Look what a couple of quarters will get you...

Just wanted to show off my two lovely daughters. Last night they hit me up for a couple of quarters after we ate and bought some new teeth.

I kind of like the new look they have going for them. What do you think? Ain't they cute?

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Voice from the Back Seat...

Yesterday, Morgan and I had just dropped Lizzie Kate off at Daycare. As I was driving Morgan to school, we had a few conversations. She reminded me of that time when I was stopped by the policeman. Morgan asked if I got a ticket? I said, "no I didn't." "Why not?", she said. I told her I guess I talked my way out of it. I do have that charm you know?

Anyway, we got a little closer to school when I said..."I am about to sneeze!" I then let out three loud sneezes. I just bet most of our city heard them. You can ask Kelley...I let out some loud sneezes. Morgan then said..."You need to go to a doctor!" I assured her I was just sneezing and did not need a doctor. She then said in a sarcastic way only Morgan can ..."I don't know what else to tell you." I just chuckled.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Give me LaFiesta any day...

Today I got some take out from a Mexican restaurant that I have never at ate before. I have to admit, I have wanted to eat there primarily on their sign they have for their business. Does anyone else pick restaurants for the signage they have on their business, or is it just me?

Well, to be honest...I probably will stick with my old stand-by, La Fiesta. I got a beef burrito that had shredded beef in it. I had just told them when I ordered that I did not want shredded beef. Oh well...communication is at times an issue.

I put a picture of the signage on this post. You gotta love that little guy holding up a huge taco and it looks like a burrito up over his head.

The moral of this story...if you have a Mexican Restaurant you love...stick with that restaurant.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

We miss you Abel!!!

Tonight we ate at LaFiesta. Lizzie Kate said, "I want to see Abel." I said, "He is not here. He is in Mexico." "I want to see him!", she said. I must admit, I have missed Abel myself. There is just something missing when he is not running the operation.

Abel has been gone too long! Where in the world is Abel? Now, all of a sudden I wonder if I am spelling his name right. My gosh, how can I make an A in spelling when I cannot even spell a 4-letter word right? How can I get on to my girls for missing a spelling word in school? Just a random know how I am.

Well, I better sign off here. It has been long enough...Abel we miss you. The restaurant is not the same without you. Am I right folks?

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Now it is Morgan's turn...

On my last post I shared how we were proud of the "Caker." Well, tonight it was Morgan's time to shine as she was needing some attention. She kept saying..."I'm a Movie Star...I'm a Movie Star." I had to take her picture wearing her shades. Her final words before leaving the room was, "Put me in your blog dad!" How can a dad say no? Needless to say...she is in my blog.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Way to go Caker!!!

Tonight we had our church home group at our house. After it was over, we walked Mike and Andria Francis out to their vehicle. Once outside, we witnessed a great event. Caker started riding her "big wheel", or tricycle all by herself! I have never seen her push the pedals by herself. But, there she was pedalling and riding all by herself. Anyone who knows us, knows that Caker has been through therapy and events like this are a big deal. I also have noticed she is jumping higher. We were all proud of the Caker last night...and so was she! Hooray for Caker!

Friday, January 9, 2009

I always thought I would be a prime candidate to work in a "Think Tank"...

I have always been a person that has had random thoughts. We might be talking about something, and out of the blue I bring up another subject that is not even on the subject at hand, and at times a little "off the wall." That is just me. I guess that is why I have always thought I would eventually end up working at a "Think Tank".

But, lately my "thinking cap" has not been working that well. I have had a mental block on what to say in my blog. That is not good for an aspiring writer such as myself. If this keeps up, I might not be able to get my dream job at the "Think Tank" anytime soon.

Ok, I have not been totally void of subject matter to blog about. I thought about blogging about the new "Dick Tracy" watch phone that is being released by LG. But, I passed on that idea. I mean why release the watch now? Wouldn't it have better served them to release the watch prior to Christmas and pick up some holiday sales? Apparently those in the "Think Tank" did not do their job on this one.

Bear with me as I go through this little mental block in my life. I think my elevator still goes to the top occasionally. I truly believe there are more ideas and subjects for me to share with you, my readers. Maybe I have just been using too much of that sugar substitute lately? I'm just thinking...

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

HOGS beat Horns 67-61...

First it was Oklahoma, and now the victim is the Texas Longhorns. What a sweet victory for the Razorbacks. The win was the second over a top ten ranked basketball team for the HOGS in less than a week.



GO HOGS!!!!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

An Unexpected Treat...

This morning started out just as many other mornings have in the past. My alarm went off at 5:30 am. I got up, took a shower - sorry no footage or audio of me singing in the shower. I know you hate that! Then I started getting the girls dressed. Lizzie Kate wants make that. Morgan wants a drink of Diet Coke...we ran out...she reminds you she wants a drink. You try to get Morgan to brush her teeth. You try to get her to brush her teeth a second and a third time. You guessed it...utter chaos. I am walking to the car carrying Morgan's backpack when I remembered I left something inside. I put her backpack down in the garage and then retrieve what I needed inside the house.

After we finally get in the car, we then drop Lizzie Kate off at daycare. Morgan and I then head to Sonic to get her a drink. Morgan then says, "Dad, can I have my backpack?" If you rewind a little bit in this story, where did I leave her backpack? You guessed it - the garage! Right then I felt like I was playing the game "Clue" and opened up the envelope to find out that Morgan did it, in the garage with a backpack. If you know how traffic is in our town, you know now that you are gonna be late. I know it is not Houston or anything, but it is in fact a small town with traffic problems. I make a decision to take Morgan on to school and then go back home to get her backpack. Good move I thought. No sense in making both of us late today.

So, I probably was not in the best of moods, but now, the unexpected treat. I got her backpack and went to her school. As I was walking to her class the announcements came on. I then heard Morgan's class recite the "Pledge of Allegiance." Hearing the "Pledge of Allegiance" by young children will make anyone proud to be an American. Thank goodness that has not been taken away from our schools yet!

As I was walking back toward the office, I saw Morgan and her class coming down the hall. I told them they all did a great job in reciting the Pledge. For some reason I forgot about how hectic my morning had been. Thank goodness we left her backpack today!

Saturday, January 3, 2009

A Reminder of a Covenant Long Ago...

Last weekend you might remember the picture of a rainbow I took. It was not only a rainbow, it was a double-rainbow. Just as God puts that rainbow in the sky as a reminder that he will never flood the earth again, he also reminded me of His Covenant in my Bible reading this morning. God's Covenant which is displayed by the rainbow can be found in Genesis 9:8-17. So, for some reason God wanted to remind me of His Promise. What a great Bible Story...Noah and the Flood.

One of my favorite Bible jokes used to be..."How many animals of each did Moses take on the ark?" The answer I got the most was usually 2. Then I would say...It was Noah not Moses. That was good for a few laughs. Did you know there were some animals that had more than 2 of each on the ark? Read Genesis 7 for that little tidbit.

Thank you God for your promises! Have you read your Bible today?

Friday, January 2, 2009

Make 2009 a great year...

What will the year 2009, hold for you? At the end of a year, and the beginning of the next year, you will hear many "experts" give their opinions and predictions of what will happen in the coming year. Does it mean that is exactly what will happen...of course not! The way one approaches the year ahead can help better the outcome I believe. At least that is what I am counting on.

You may remember in earlier posts that I said one of my resolutions is to read more this year. I need to read my Bible more and I have other books I need to read as well. Well, yesterday I read the first day of the "One Year Chronological Bible." Hopefully, I will keep the streak alive tonight.

I think our attitudes also play a big part in how our year goes. That can be kind of tricky at times. There is so much against us in the world today. So, I need to keep a positive attitude.

In 2009, if you have any grudges, or disagreements with them out! You will be glad you did. No need to be bitter with someone.

We all have those "unspoken" issues that I talked about a few posts back. Pray about them. Ask God for His guidance in working through those issues.

All of these are just some thoughts I had to help you have a better 2009! Now, I like you need to go to work!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Seth Brock = Rotnei Clark???

One thing I noticed the other night while watching the HOGS play the Sooners is how much Seth Brock resembles Rotnei Clark of the Razorbacks. I have posted two pictures of Rotnei and one of Seth. Do you see any resemblances?

Happy New Year everyone!