Friday, January 9, 2009

I always thought I would be a prime candidate to work in a "Think Tank"...

I have always been a person that has had random thoughts. We might be talking about something, and out of the blue I bring up another subject that is not even on the subject at hand, and at times a little "off the wall." That is just me. I guess that is why I have always thought I would eventually end up working at a "Think Tank".

But, lately my "thinking cap" has not been working that well. I have had a mental block on what to say in my blog. That is not good for an aspiring writer such as myself. If this keeps up, I might not be able to get my dream job at the "Think Tank" anytime soon.

Ok, I have not been totally void of subject matter to blog about. I thought about blogging about the new "Dick Tracy" watch phone that is being released by LG. But, I passed on that idea. I mean why release the watch now? Wouldn't it have better served them to release the watch prior to Christmas and pick up some holiday sales? Apparently those in the "Think Tank" did not do their job on this one.

Bear with me as I go through this little mental block in my life. I think my elevator still goes to the top occasionally. I truly believe there are more ideas and subjects for me to share with you, my readers. Maybe I have just been using too much of that sugar substitute lately? I'm just thinking...


Mike said...

You do have random thoughts but they are usually something of value that needs to be thought over. I could definately see you working in a "think tank". Say, what does a think tank look like anyway?

Sharon Craig said...

If you could design the perfect "think tank" I'd love to know what it would contain. Maybe a little brain food like pizza and a big note pad to doodle on. Bright colors to stimulate the brain and a big fluffy chair. Shoot, as I think about this think tank i'm thinkin i might like it there.
here's a thought i've pondered for a while. While I know the Bible is God's word I still have some questions. Help me with this...shoot, it's just too long to type, next time I visit with you remind me to mention this thought.
Have a good day,