Friday, January 30, 2009

Talking while you (try to) sleep...

The other night I finally got the "Caker" to agree to go to bed. But, I had to lay down with her in her bed. "Caker" can outlast anyone I promise you. So, before you go to sleep, you have to indulge in a little conversation with her.

As we got into bed and put the covers over us, "Caker" starts out with, "Let's talk about puppies. And we did just that...we talked about puppies. We talked about puppies, pandas, giraffes, monkeys, and even elephants. I am sure I am leaving out other forms of animal life. I tell you, I thought I was in an episode of "Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom." She kept mentioning animals and making their sounds.

Well, we finally went to sleep. You know what? Looking back at it, I am glad I had that time with her. Looking back at it I can smile.


Sherry Drennan said...

Those moments are sooo precious. You know one day, when we are old and gray, we will look back and wish for one more time!

Erin said...

I guess you two are holding down the fort with Kelly and Morgan gone?? Lots of bonding time!!