Friday, January 16, 2009

The Voice from the Back Seat...

Yesterday, Morgan and I had just dropped Lizzie Kate off at Daycare. As I was driving Morgan to school, we had a few conversations. She reminded me of that time when I was stopped by the policeman. Morgan asked if I got a ticket? I said, "no I didn't." "Why not?", she said. I told her I guess I talked my way out of it. I do have that charm you know?

Anyway, we got a little closer to school when I said..."I am about to sneeze!" I then let out three loud sneezes. I just bet most of our city heard them. You can ask Kelley...I let out some loud sneezes. Morgan then said..."You need to go to a doctor!" I assured her I was just sneezing and did not need a doctor. She then said in a sarcastic way only Morgan can ..."I don't know what else to tell you." I just chuckled.


Sherry Drennan said...

Oh my, that sounded like here mama!!!

Sharon Craig said...

Don't you wonder how they think? I'd love to spend just a few minutes in their heads. What a party it must be.