Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Breaking News Coming Soon!

I will be sharing some Breaking News shortly with my readers. We have reporters and photographers covering a breaking development. You will not want to miss my next post. Anyone care to guess? Yes, it is Big News! Yes, it is a Cliffhanger!


Sharon Craig said...

That is so mean...you know I hate cliff hangers. Well, maybe you didn't know it, but I don't. Spit it out Phillip Darr!!! What is it? Did someone save the market? Did you find the place Caker is stashing her stolen goods? Has someone come up with a cure for the common cold? Did Wiley Cyote FINALLY catch the roadrunner? Let me know.


Mike said...

Is this going to be worthy of reporting to FOXNEWS? Don't keep, we,your faithful readers in suspense!