Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Conversations from the Back Seat...

Kelley heard the following conversation from our girls in the back seat of our car:

Morgan: "Liz, what do you want to be when you grow up?"

Liz: "I don't know Morgan. What do you want to be?"

Morgan: "I want to be a doctor."

Liz: "I want to be a doctor too."

Morgan: "Do you want to be a people doctor like Sissy, or an animal doctor?"

Liz: "What do you want to be Morgan?"

Morgan: "I want to be an animal doctor for dogs and cats and horses."

Liz: "OK. I want to be an animal doctor too then......For chipmunks."

Morgan: "Whatever."

If only adults could communicate this good. The world would be a better place!


Mike said...

Mike: Philip, What do you want to be when you grow up?

Philip: I don't know, what do you want to be?

Mike: I don't know either...Let's go play golf

Philip: Grab a bag of bats killer!

That must have been hilarious for kelly to listen to. I was cracking up just reading it but it had to be 10 times better in person! Hope you are all doing well.

Jeb said...

Jeb: OH BOY.

Sharon Craig said...

Do fish go to the vet?