Wednesday, August 6, 2008

What does a bus driver look like? Have you seen my wife?

Yes, that's right. My wife is going to drive a bus this year for the school district. If all bus drivers looked like my wife, we would have more people riding buses and freeing up some of the congestion off of our nation's highway system. Gas prices would drop as well. We may be on to something here.

She has worked real hard to get her Commercial Driver's License. She had to pass numerous tests, and also pass a field exam. I doubt if I could do that. I am proud of her. It reminds me of a story that I will share with you now. When I was in grade school, we were asked by our teacher what our father did for a living. I said, "He is a bus driver." Now, that was not a lie, but he was also a Baptist preacher. My teacher knew this and both her and my parents got a kick out of my answer. The truth be known, I was proud he was a bus driver. Maybe, I didn't want to admit then I was also a preacher's kid. Oh well - kids!

I am proud of my wife passing all of those tests. Give her a big pat on the back when you see her next!


1 comment:

Sharon Craig said...

I'm so proud of Kelley. If I could, I'd want to be a bus rider just to ride her "party" bus. What a time it will be for everyone that rides. She will make many memories for those children, and I'm sure they will be remembered for years.
Tell her I said "you go girlfriend".

ps tell Morgan I'm on my way out to play glof.