A new day is dawning tomorrow. Kelley will be driving a school bus this year, and I will turn into Michael Keaton - a.k.a., Mr. Mom. Hey, if Michael Keaton can do, I can do it. I will prove all the naysayers wrong. I have seen the movie, I have the blueprint for success in front of me. Here it is 8:16 p.m., the night before the first day of school and I have no idea how to fix a ponytail. Piece of cake.
Kelley has no idea what I am blogging about...right on cue she said, "It's time. Time to learn to fix a ponytail." I told her give me a second, I have important things to do. Nothing should interrupt you while you are blogging. I mean come on, where are your priorities?
Tonight we went to church and had a prayer dedication for the new E.D.G.E. Student Ministry Building. I think it will be a good tool that God can use to reach youth in our city. Both Lizzie Kate and Morgan fell asleep during the service. As you can probably guess, they did not take a nap today.
I know many of you have children going to school. Lizzie Kate is in preschool tomorrow for the first time. Morgan starts the first grade on Tuesday. Well, I better go. I have a few details to go over before tomorrow. If you meet me driving on the road tomorrow and I do not see you, just realize I am on a mission and must stay focused! Later!
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