Thursday, November 6, 2008

Who is Mike anyway? The Truth Revealed...

As you know, I have blogged about Mike on numerous occasions. Many of you have asked me the question, "Who is this Mike?" I thought I knew. But, after seeing a picture he posted on his blog, "Here's What I got", I am beginning to wonder...Do we really know him? Was he trying to give us a hint as to his true identity by his posting of "the picture." I hate to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but here it goes...

If you are a history buff, you might remember hearing about a UFO that supposedly crashed northwest of Roswell, New Mexico, in the summer of 1947. It was said that the Air Force tried to keep this hush, hush. Who does Mike work for? Uh, huh...

Exhibit A...Picture of Mike from his blog...

I know on the surface this picture looks normal enough, but then I saw these pics...

Exhibits B and C...

Are you beginning to see the connection? Sure, Mike has never just came out uttering the familiar phrase..."Take me to your leader." I figure him to be too smart for that. And now the big guns...

Exhibit D...

I know I may be taking a huge security risk releasing this information, but I have to put the welfare and well-being of the citizens of the United States of America first and foremost in this matter.

We now resume your local programming...


Mike said...

Well, since you have blown my cover..."Take me to your leader!"
ha ha ha

Jeb said...

Just when you think you know a guy and BAM "Heres What I Got" or should it be "Heres what I am"? VERY STARNGE. Now I see why his wife is the way she is I would be that way to if I was married to him, it, thing, well what ever he is?