Monday, December 29, 2008

Back to work...

Did everyone else have a hard time going back to work today? I had not worked since December 22nd! Everyone loves being off for the Christmas Holidays, but we do pay for it when we go back to work huh?

It is bad enough some of us take extra time off, but many times can one eat over the holidays? Turkey, ham, pies, cookies, peanut brittle, and on and on and on the list goes. You go to one place and eat, and then you eat at another place. It's really unbelievable how much food we consume during this time of the year. Should it be a surprise that dieting is almost always at the top of our New Year's resolution lists? After the holidays, we just get tired of looking at food after awhile. Did I say that?

I am trying to figure out what my New Year's resolutions list will look like. I know I want to read my Bible more. I also have some books on the shelf I have not read yet. So, I guess reading is going to be high on my list. I have a few other things in mind I could add to the list - they are kind of unspoken requests as we say in the church. I know there are a lot of areas I need to improve on next year. I will let everyone know if I add more to my list - maybe.

I would love to hear what your New Year's resolutions are going to be. Oh, year I am going to get my first deer. I will do this either by hunting or by driving late at night! OK, prediction...I will get my first deer hunting next year! You heard it here first!


Mike said...

I have a few books I want to read this year too. I just got one for Christmas called "The Last Lecture" which is supposed to be really good. I too have several areas of my life that need improvement. I feel confident that you Will get your first deer next year!

Jeb said...

My new Years Res. is to help you get your first deer next year. I am availabe Friday night about 10pm call me when you are ready to go I'll drive. No just kidding. I have not set any cause when I do I FAIL. Happy new Year Brother.