Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Pressure to conform...

As I turn into our neighborhood, I cannot help but see so many houses with Christmas light displays. I am starting to feel the pressure to throw my hat in the ring next year. I know it will require getting on top of the house and stringing up lights, but you got to do what you got to do. I just feel like I might need to get more in the spirit.

I have even toyed with the idea of showing a Christmas movie from the side of my house. What can I say? I am dreaming I know.

Do not be surprised if you see me climbing on top of my house next year to work on my display. If you do see me, please be prepared to call an ambulance and make sure my life insurance is up to date!

1 comment:

Sherry Drennan said...

We were wondering where your Christmas spirit was! Went driving up your way looking a lights and NADA...DARK...SCARY! I'll go ahead and volunteer Mr. D to help you if you reciprocate. He hates heights.